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Tree Inspection

Tree inspection is an evaluation tool we use to call attention to any change in the tree’s health before the problem becomes too serious. By providing regular inspections of mature trees at least once a year, we can prevent or reduce the severity of future disease, insect, and environmental problems. During tree inspection, we examine four characteristics of tree vigor: new leaves or buds, leaf size, twig growth, and absence of crown dieback (gradual death of the upper part of the tree).

A reduction in the extension of shoots (new growing parts), such as buds or new leaves, is a fairly reliable clue that the tree’s health has recently changed. To evaluate this factor, we compare the growth of the shoots over the past three years. We then determine whether there is a reduction in the tree’s typical growth pattern.

Further signs of poor tree health are trunk decay, crown dieback, or both. These symptoms often indicate problems that began several years before. Loose bark or deformed growths, such as trunk conks (mushrooms), are common signs of stem decay.

Any abnormalities found during these inspections, including insect activity and spotted, deformed, discolored, or dead leaves and twigs, are noted and watched closely. Depending on our findings our ISA Certified Arborist can then advise you on possible treatment options or remedial actions.

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